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With the webALT project:
Aiming at providing a multilingual repository of simple math exercises for secondary education.
GF the chosen tool
The library is organized in 3 layers of increasing complexity:
Operations: Simple drills.
Commands: Queries/Answers to/from a Computer Algebra System.
Word Problems: Modeling and solving simple word problems.
At OpenMath level:
abs : ValNum -> ValNum ; -- the absolute value of z
times : [ValNum] -> ValNum ; -- the product of x, y and z
unary_minus : ValNum -> ValNum ; -- minus x
At Commands level:
Compute : (k: Kind) -> Value k -> Command ;
Assign : (k: Kind) -> Variable k -> Value k -> Command ;
Assert : Prop -> Command ;
Approximate : ValNum -> Command ;
BeginBlock : String -> Command ;
EndBlock : String -> Command ;
Goal: Dependent types all the way down.
, ValSet
, ValTensor
... = Noun Phrase (NP
= MathFunc
= NP
+ Extra infoVariables:
, VarSet
, ... = Symbol
Goal: Value Number
, Variable Number
, ...
In English:
oper abs_value_CN : CN = mkCN absolute_A value_N ; -- In LexiconEng
lin abs obj =
mkNP the_Art
(mkCN abs_value_CN (mkAdv possess_Prep obj)) ; -- In Arith1I
unary_minus ob = mkNP (mkCN minus_N ob) ;
In Finnish:
unary_minus x = mkNP (E.GenNP x) (mkN "vastaluku") ;
In Sage:
unary_minus x = mkPrec 1 ("-" ++ (usePrec 3 x));
fun plus : [ValNum] -> ValNum
lin plus : ListNP -> NP
DefGenCN sum_CN (mkNP and_Conj terms)
Lists are formed by prepending an object to an existing list (ConsNP
is basically a list of NP
which knows if there is 2 or more elements in it:
BaseValNum x y
ConsValNum x (BaseValNum y z)
We combine ListNP
with the "and" conjunction to get a new NP
MathFunc = {t:FuncForm; s2:MathVar} ** NP ;
FuncForm = FNoVar | FNamed | FVar | FGral ;
General case
Lambda abstraction
Most of the productions have a verbal/formula rendering
Goal: To combine them:
The square root of \( x^2 + 1\)
number_typed : VarNum -> QVarNum ;
number_list : [VarNum] -> QVarNum ;
number_range : VarNum -> VarNum -> QVarNum ;
\(n\) "number"
\(x\), \(y\) and \(z\) "prime numbers"
\(x_1,\dots,x_n\) "natural numbers"
q_prime : QVarNum -> QVarNum ;
"Let \(x_1,\dots,x_n\) be natural numbers, ..."
Prop = S
[Prop] = [S]
SimpleProp = MathCl = Cl ** {p:Polarity}
QProp = QS ;
Prop = MathCl = Cl ** {p:Polarity}
[Prop] = [MathCl]
Prop --> S, QS
7 is prime.
is 7 prime?
[Prop] --> S, QS
7 is prime and 8 is not prime.
is it true that 7 is prime and 8 is not prime?
"Compute the integral of the function mapping x to the square of x from minus infinity to infinity."
Compute Num (fromNum (
defint_interval (lambda x (power2 (Var2Num x)))
nums1_minus_infinity nums1_infinity))
Compute Num (fromNum (
defint_interval (lambda x (power2 (Var2Num x)))
(unary_minus nums1_infinity) nums1_infinity))
It is ambiguous? (not really)
--> power (int2num 2)
(unary_minus nums1_infinity)
--> nums1_minus_infinity
Modifying the abstract tree.
GF is very limited on this (def
Use the GF bindings to other languages
Kind ;
Value Kind;
Variable Kind ;
Num, Fun, Set, Tensor : Kind ;
data Compute : (k: Kind) -> Value k -> Command ;
addTo : ValNum -> ValNum -> Command ;
itNum : ValNum ;
itSet : ValSet ;
Simple : (k: Kind) -> Value k -> Answer ;
FeedBack : (k: Kind) -> Value k -> Value k -> Answer;
addTo x y = Compute Num (fromNum (plus (BaseValNum x y))) ;
bracket_emptyset = Simple Set (fromSet emptyset) ; -- {}
bin_over x y = divide x y ;
isEqual : (k: Kind) -> Value k -> Value k-> Command ;
isAppEqual: (k: Kind) -> Value k -> Value k-> Command ;
Yes: Answer ;
No: Answer ;
YesApprox: Index -> Answer ;
In Haskell
1 completeEmpty :: Bool -> Tree -> Maybe Tree
2 completeReturn :: Bool -> Tree -> [Tree] -> [Tree]
4 completeEmpty False _ = Nothing
5 completeEmpty True question = Just $ gf $
6 case fg question of
7 GAssign k var value -> GAssigned k var value
8 GAssert p -> GAsserted p
10 completeReturn feedback question answers = catMaybes $ map (comp' . fg) answers
11 where
12 comp' = comp (fg question)
13 comp g a@(GYesApprox _) = Just (gf a)
14 comp g a@GNo = Just (gf a)
15 comp g a@GYes = Just (gf a)
16 comp g a@(GSimple k v2) =
17 case value g of
18 Just v1 -> Just $ gf $ if feedback
19 then (GFeedBack k v1 v2)
20 else a
21 _ -> Nothing
22 comp _ a@(GBegunBlock _) = Just (gf a)
23 comp _ a@(GEndedBlock _) = Just (gf a)
24 comp _ _ = Nothing
25 value (GCompute _ v) = Just v
26 value (GApproximate v) = Just $ GfromNum v
27 value (GApproximateTo v _) = Just $ GfromNum v
28 value _ = Nothing
The mgl GF library provides parsing/linearizing between 15 natural languages and an abstract representation similar to OpenMath.
It can be used to interact with mathematical software using natural language.
to support MDependent types
Reduce indirection and simplify module structure
Qualified variables
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