9th GF Summer School, 2025

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Gothenburg, Sweden
18th – 29th August 2025


Grammatical Framework (GF) is a grammar formalism and a programming language for multilingual computational grammars. It is based on the idea of a shared abstract syntax and mappings between the abstract syntax and concrete languages. GF has hundreds of users all over the world.

The GF Resource Grammar Library (RGL) implements the main syntax rules of over 40 languages with a shared abstract syntax, and its WordNet-based interlingual lexicon includes 24 languages. These resources are freely available as open-source software.

In combination with the linguistic knowledge contained in the RGL, GF software is aimed to help non-linguist programmers to build systems that have high-quality natural language processing as a component. For linguists, GF provides a platform for powerful abstractions and generalizations, including cross-lingual ones.

You will find the GF book a very good companion to your studies (available also as an e-book). However, the book is not a requirement for successful participation in the summer school.


Please register via this registration form.

There is no registration or participation fee. However the participants need to support their own travel and stay, including accommodation and meals.

At the moment, there is no information about grants/stipends to participants. Such information will be published if stipends become available.


Week 1 (August 18–22): Introduction to GF and multilingual grammar programming

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9–12: Lectures A tour of the GF Ecosystem. Small grammars. Core linguistic constructions. Mini resource grammar. Systematic overview of GF concepts. Extended mini resource grammar. Full resource grammar and its API. WordNet in GF. Design and implementation of application grammars.
13–17: Hands‑on Installing GF, building small grammars Starting mini resource in GF shell Work on projects Work on projects Participant presentations: plans for summer school projects

Weekend excursion: TBA

Week 2 (August 25-29): Advanced work in specialized tracks

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
13–17 TBA TBA TBA TBA Participant presentations

Teachers and invited speakers

Name Affiliation Topic
Aarne Ranta University of Gothenburg GF tutorial; TBA
Inari Listenmaa Chalmers University of Technology GF tutorial; TBA
Krasimir Angelov Chalmers University of Technology TBA
John Camilleri Chalmers University of Technology TBA


The summer school will take place in Gothenburg, at Chalmers University of Technology.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering will be in charge of the practical arrangements.


You can ask general questions about anything GF-related, including the summer school, on GF mailing list and Discord server.

If you have a more specific question, you can contact Inari Listenmaa directly.

Previous GF summer schools